Mario & Ann-Kathrin Götze

About Mario & Ann-Kathrin Götze
Mario (30) is a professional soccer player and multiple German champion and soccer world champion. Ann-Kathrin started modeling at the age of 16 and is one of the most successful German fashion & beauty influencers.
Ann-Kathrin and Mario have been a couple for over 10 years and have had a son together named Rome for two years. Since these two years, the little whirlwind keeps the family on their toes. His start in life was anything but easy. He was born much too early and had to spend a few weeks in the hospital. Since then Rome has really blossomed and is very active and curious. He wants to discover and try new things every day and copies mom and dad in all situations. This curiosity of Rome, together with the professions of the parents was the inspiration for the bear.
The fashion students and design supporters of Mario & Ann-Kathrin Götze

Max Kaupp
Hey, I'm Max, I'm 20 years old and a student at Pforzheim University Design Pf. My biggest interest about fashion is to create sustainable fashion to age with the owner and to get more beautiful the older it gets. In my opinion a garment isn't finished when you are done designing it and when its fully sewed together, i think it has to be worn a period of time to get character. Thats why I love denim so much, you can wear a good pair of jeans over years an it gets more beautiful every day.
Steiff Teddybears always reminded me of the comforting and nostalgic feel that comes with childhood. If you see a Steiff teddybear it almost feels lie you are receiving a warm hug. That feeling is what makes Steiff truly special to me, especially in such chaotic times like ours.
Steiff iconic and timeless corporate identity really excites me and I'm grateful to be able to work with a brand like this.
Lisa Schränkler
Hey there! My name is Lisa, I am 24 years old and study accessory design at DesignPF. I am really into conceptional working and love to give old stuff a second life. New functions, an emotional relation and socially relevant subjects are what drives me.
It amazes me how emotionally charged small stuffed animals can be. No matter if the times were good or hard my Teddy was my companion, comforter, protector and anchor. I really feel honored to get the chance to design this kind of companion for another person!

The briefing and the idea
The design concept focuses on the entire Götze family and combines Mario‘s outstanding soccer career with Ann-Kathrin‘s work as creative designer and influencer and the playful curiosity of little son Rome.
The „Bolzplatz“ represents the essence of chidlike joy of playing and the fascination for soccer. It stands for shared memories of chasing a ball and the desire to win at all costs - but only winning together is really fun and most rewarding.
The bear is not only meant to showcase Mario’s great professional achievements, but also to stand for passionate team play towards a common goal – as a sportsman or in private life. The bear is sup-posed to inspire loving and caring relationships, solidarity and fair play – “ … together we are much stronger and can make a difference with much more fun!”
The emergence of the bear
Family Götze x Steiff
Götze family
Tricot analysis
Family bear
Idea I
Family bear
Idea II
Shirt selection
More Drafts
More Shirts
Fabric selection
Accessories and fabric selection
I am the finished bear